Monday, September 20, 2010

Bible Study Experience

So, I have officially succumbed to the blogging world. I too hope that one day I can have enough people interested in my everyday experiences that I can become a world-renowned writer. ;) In actuality that will probably never happen, but I can try right? :)
Now to the title of my first blog, my Bible Study Experience.
I have recently moved down to the lovely city of Clovis, which is right outside of Fresno. Everyday I wake up to the snow-capped mountains outside my window with just the slight blanketing of fog that makes me think I live in a Thomas Kinkade painting. If only you could be so lucky, as to live in Fresno.
I recently started a Bible Study (Life Group) at my new church, The Well Community Church, on Monday nights. We are going through the book of Ephesians and so far the Lord has been using this book to speak  in my life. Learning and discerning how to trust the Holy Spirit in times of need is something that I'm really trying to learn more about. I'm about ready to start the newest Francis Chan book, Redeeming Love. I will have to keep you updated on the things I learn. I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet a plethora of new people at this Bible Study. The Lord has really blessed me. My most recent story comes from just a few hours ago actually and I write this because I've been laughing about it since. We had just finished our study portion and broke up into smaller groups to pray. I was with Jessie, Garth and Kaitlyn. We made our introductions and that's when I learned that Kaitlyn grew up in Walnut Creek, just over the hill from where I used to live in Antioch. We talked a bit about what high school she went to and I found that she went to the same high school as my best friend Megan. I asked her if she knew Megan and she did. So the words that then proceeded from my mouth is the part that I think is hilarious. They're hilarious for two reason, one, I'm not in middle school, and two, I was actually trying to say something else but I just left out some words. So instead of saying, "Megan has been my best friend since forever." (which is silly anyways) Instead, what came out was, "Megan is my best friend forever." I find that highly amusing and ridiculous and after those words came out of my mouth I quickly said how silly that was. After all, I'm only 22 and I still have BFFs that I like to refer to as such. So, yes this story is small and maybe not so amusing to you as it was to me. However, like I said I'm still chuckling now. :)
Stay tuned...for more of the adventures from the life of Heather Agopian. (I'm trying to build this up a little, as a joke of course. ;))

1 comment:

    it is a small world! =)
    gotta love bchs =)
    and hello i m your bff lol
    love you!
    miss you!
    keep the blogs coming!
